Episode 16

Pausing together podcast

Episode 16:Addressing body composition changes in menopause: A holistic approach for shedding fat, building muscle & nourishing your body the right way

Episode Sneak Peek

Episode Length 51:43

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About Chris DeHollander, Functional Holistic Health Coach

Chris DeHollander is an ex-engineer turned Functional Holistic Health Coach.

She helps midlife women regain their energy, lose weight and belly fat without killing themselves in the gym or starving themselves.

Chris is a mother (2 boys, 18 & 20), wife (married 25 years), certified functional health coach, group fitness instructor (25 years) & FASTer Way Coach.

Chris graduated from the Institute for Integrative Nutrition in 2013, then studied functional nutrition for another two years with Functional Nutrition Alliance.

She also studied specifically for midlife women in the Midlife Hormone Mastery Course + DUTCH Testing, the Menopause for Athletes course, the Metabolic Female course, and the Integrative Women’s Health Institute Perimenopause & Menopause Certificate Program.

Chris’ mission is to help midlife women feel their best so that they can live out their passion and purpose in life with energy. 



1:40  Why do women so often begin to notice body composition changes during their 40s?

4:66 What type of weight gain/body composition change are most concerning to our health?

6:20 Chris talks through some of the most common weight loss solutions that women tend to pursue when they experience body composition changes. 

10:06 Why shifting your mindset away from deprivation toward one of nourishment is so important

11:37 Can midlife women do intermittent fasting safely?

17:37 Chris’ advice on where to begin if you have started to notice a shift in your body composition

20:15 How much protein do pausal women need, and how is it best eaten throughout the day?

23:54 Do women need to cut carbs at this stage in life? Chris shares advice on carb intake during midlife. 

26:45 Can midlife women eat a vegetarian meal and get enough protein?

29:30 What types of exercise are best for midlife women? Chris shares her aha moment when she realized that pushing to depletion was no longer working for her

38:00 What does an ideal strength training session look like?

46:30 Fasting before a morning workout – is it a good idea?

48:00 Chris shares her go-to HIT workouts

51:07 What is the Faster Way program?



  • The new biology of midlife and its impact on our body composition /weight changes
  • Why Chris isn’t a big fan of the scale and prefers that women use their clothes to gauge whether body composition is shifting
  • What does estrogen have to do with body composition changes?
  • Why belly fat is the most concerning type of fat?
  • Why do we need to shift our approach to focus less on calorie restriction and more on eating the right foods & exercise so that we maintain muscle as we age 
  • Why calorie restriction does more harm than good in a midlife woman
  • Intermittent fasting is a stressor and isn’t often the best choice for midlife women; there are ways that it can be done safely 
  • How the Faster Way program can help women to become a better detective of what their body needs to thrive as they age
  • The importance if increasing protein and distributing protein intake throughout the day
  • How to eat carbs in a way that works with your body and keeps blood sugar stable
  • Does eating fat make us fat? 
  • Why most midlife women need to reevaluate their exercise routine & how to gauge whether your exercise routine is working for you
  • Why NEAT exercise (non-exercise activity, thermogenesis) is more important than your daily workout 
  • Why strength training is a must for all women


How to find/work with Chris 

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Jill Chmielewski, RN, BSN

Jill is a Registered Nurse, Certified Health Coach, advocate for aging women, and mom of four who is on a mission to change the way we approach menopause and aging. She helps midlife women break free from the mainstream way of thinking where disease and decline are accepted as an inevitable part of aging ~ and embrace the notion that it’s absolutely possible to feel vibrant, happy, healthy, balanced, sexy, and strong through midlife and beyond.

Jill believes that education is the key to helping women understand their bodies, manage their health, and advocate for themselves as they age.

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